[TenTec] Field Day GOTA Station

Larry L. Laflamme laflamme at ncia.net
Fri Mar 14 23:45:04 EST 2003

Mark, last year our club used my Triton IV Digital (544).  One of the
easiest radios in the world to operate.  True, no bandpass, DSP, etc, but
for a GOTA?  Just turn the drive until the red light flashes.

> Our local club has begun planning for Field Day. I'm interested in, and
> been put in charge of, the Get On The Air (GOTA) station.  The purpose of
> GOTA station is to allow new or inactive hams an opportunity to operate
> My hope is that it may spur some folks to set up their own station. My
> question is what rig should I use?

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