[TenTec] Corsair II going deaf!

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Wed Mar 19 20:08:01 EST 2003


There is a reed relay that switches the receive antenna input. You can't
hear it unless the amplifier keying relay is disabled. The reed relay
makes a soft "ping" during keying.

Try switching the rcv antenna slide switch on the rear panel a few times
or shooting some contact cleaner into it.


		Bob WB2VUF

Jim Reid wrote:
> Hi,
> Am using my "old"  Corsair II while I wait patiently for
> am Orion on order.
> Have been noticing that the rcv signals grow weak
> after a bit of time.  A couple of quick "pops" on the
> PTT button,  and bingo,  back up comes the rcv'd
> signal.  There is no linear in use,  nor any connection
> to a linear and its' T/R relay through which both rcv
> and xmit signals would pass.
> In looking through my old Corsair manual,  it seems all
> the T/R switching done using several diodes, thus the
> smooth and fast QSK.  However,  I do hear a relay
> clicking which the PTT button is pressed -- I assume
> this is the relay which would actuate a linear were I
> using one.  But,  certainly the rcv signal does not
> pass through that relay.
> So what is going on?  Or is there a relay someplace in there
> through which the rcv signal is passing which whose contact
> can be,  at least briefly,  cleared by a couple of actuations
> of the PTT switch,  or CW key?
> Seems odd that a diode in the T/R switching arrays would
> fault in such a way that the symptom I have would occur,
> but who knows?
> 73,  Jim  KH7M
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