[TenTec] Hello Orion Users

John T. Fleming W3GQJ at attbi.com
Mon May 5 23:33:43 EDT 2003


Isn't here also a 10 KHz antenna system in the upper peninsula of Michigan?
I seem to remember reading about it being built years ago.


PS  As a kid years ago when I had an SX-99 receiver, I had door bell wire
running around my bedroom and hooked to the external speaker connection.  I
had a set of high impedance headphones and a coil of wire that fit on my
head like a halo.  I think it was maybe #21 wire.  I forget how many turns
there were, but it was about a quarter inch of coil after I wrapped it with
electrical tape.  I could then listen to the radio while I cut the grass in
the back yard.  Is that RF or AF?  I assume it was RF since AF is usually
related to moving the air for the ear to hear.  Fuel for the fire. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Thomas Jednacz
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 10:11 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Hello Orion Users

Hello Bill and all - Bill you are correct. The Navy uses just such a system
to communicate with the subs around the world. You should see the antennas
around San Diego. Wow!

Tom, W7QF

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of WILLIAM MANSEY;
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 9:20 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Hello Orion Users

Hello Carl and everyone,
    This is an interesting subject and one that I have had heated
discussions over. (IE: Arguments!)
    When is RF "RF" and not "AF"?   If one were to build a transmitter, of
"conventional" design - BUT on a scale that would operate at 10KHz. and
connected it to "The Mother of all Antennas" it would radiate a signal just
like any other transmitter is supposed to be doing.  NOW for the "fun"
part - - - If you were in the near vicinity of this monstrosity would you
hear anything?  I say NO because it is RF.  (if you were real close to the
transmitter you might hear a signal but only if the RF caused mechanical
vibrations in the coils and/or other components.
    Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.  I am used to that and can
handle being corrected.  I remember that because I was wrong ONCE before!
    I am not trying to stir up any trouble.  I just am seeking clarification
of this interesting subject.  I just think that RF applies to
electromagnetic energy travelling at the speed of light.
    The bottom line is, to me, that the DSP (and the rest of the attached
Orion) works fantastically well!  73, Bill
wa2pvk at verizon.net

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