[TenTec] Hello Orion Users

David McClafferty ve1adh at yahoo.ca
Tue May 6 12:45:52 EDT 2003

The frequencies may be the same but the velocities and
therefore the WAVELENGTHS are different. If you
connected your transmitter to a speaker or another
type of transducer, I might not be able to hear it but
someone would. I'm sure it would drive all the dogs in
the neighbourhood crazy.

Dave, VE1ADH

 --- "WILLIAM MANSEY; WA2PVK" <wa2pvk at verizon.net>
wrote: > Hello Carl and everyone,
>     This is an interesting subject and one that I
> have had heated
> discussions over. (IE: Arguments!)
>     When is RF "RF" and not "AF"?   If one were to
> build a transmitter, of
> "conventional" design - BUT on a scale that would
> operate at 10KHz. and
> connected it to "The Mother of all Antennas" it
> would radiate a signal just
> like any other transmitter is supposed to be doing. 
> NOW for the "fun"
> part - - - If you were in the near vicinity of this
> monstrosity would you
> hear anything?  I say NO because it is RF.  (if you
> were real close to the
> transmitter you might hear a signal but only if the
> RF caused mechanical
> vibrations in the coils and/or other components.
>     Someone PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.  I am
> used to that and can
> handle being corrected.  I remember that because I
> was wrong ONCE before!
> :-)
>     I am not trying to stir up any trouble.  I just
> am seeking clarification
> of this interesting subject.  I just think that RF
> applies to
> electromagnetic energy travelling at the speed of
> light.
>     The bottom line is, to me, that the DSP (and the
> rest of the attached
> Orion) works fantastically well!  73, Bill
> wa2pvk at verizon.net
> ---
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