[TenTec] Other Orion Questions

Charles W. Shaw chas.shaw at verizon.net
Fri May 9 23:22:47 EDT 2003

Hi to All,

	After reading the online Orion manual I have some remaining questions.  I 
considered asking Ten-Tec on the telephone, but though that others on this 
list might also be interested.  So, fortunate present Orion owners:

1)   Does the 13.8 Volt power on pin 13 of the two Band Data Connectors 
alternate between the two connectors depending upon whether ANT 1 or ANT 2 
is active?  Or is power on at both continuously?

2)   Am I correct in assuming that on the Band Data Connectors, the band 
pins act as the return to ground for an external relay used for 
switching?  Therefore I could connect (for instance) a relay return to the 
three pins for 10, 15, AND 20 meters at the same time and the Orion would 
operate the relay to activate my tri-band antenna any time that connector 
was active on any of those three bands?

3)   I would be interested in suggested stereo headphones.  I don't need 
noise cancelling or even muffs to exclude noise.  All I want is good sounds 
and comfort for long periods.


Charles - N5UL

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