[TenTec] RE: Experience with UPS and ham rigs

AC5E at aol.com AC5E at aol.com
Wed May 21 16:23:54 EDT 2003

Since it's been suggested - I have tried several "small"  375-425 VA UPS on 
an Omni VI -  usually to allow us to operate FD while the generators were 
shut down. The setups were Astron 35's powering the rig and a keyer, and the 
usual result was a blown UPS fuse within a few seconds of changeover - and in 
one case a well fried UPS.  

I think the problem is with the really poor output of the cheaper UPS, since 
a couple of "pure sine wave" 1500 VA UPS did quite well. But those big boy's 
are a long way from cheap. 

And, one more thing. You definitely want to proved forced air ventilation for 
any unsealed lead acid battery you might be using. A little accumulated 
hydrogen makes a big bang. 

73  Pete Allen  AC5E


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