[TenTec] Pegasus - digital modes, can't go wrong using RASCAL

W4CHLTenTecEl eu5q2f402 at sneakemail.com
Tue Nov 25 15:43:38 EST 2003

Try the Buxcomm interface, the RASCAL (www.packetradio.com).  Though you can wire up a PC directly to the Pegasus (the pinout is documented in the manual), I always like to isolate the analog sound card on a PC from the radio AF, and short of rolling the whole thing yourself this is about the cheapest and most  foolproof way.  We've got one of the older RASCAL kits on the Pegasus at the PARC club and another one on a FT-817 as well.  Works great with MixW, WinPSK, DigiPan, everything we've tried it on ! 

The little plastic box is much improved in this year's model (RASCAL GLK or GLX). But even the old plastic "cough drop" box was a tough little thing.  We've never had one break and it does the job and makes it possible to complete the kit in an hour or so.  There are fancier interfaces, and at higher prices, but this one is a very good basic digital interface. 

BTW - No business relationship, just a satisfied customer several times over !  VFB IMO !  

Cheers & 73 de Mark W4CHL 

---------------Forwarded note----------------
Hi to all,

Just got the Pegasus and want to set up for digital,

I understand there is more than one way,  would be looking for the best access of
this mode to run with more than one version of software.
Thanks for any insite from those who have run this rig in its many factions

73 de John

Mark R. Smith  W4CHL at amsat.org
Chapel Hill, NC http://www.qsl.net/w4chl

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