[TenTec] Transceiver Nirvana--cont'd.

John Rippey w3uls at 3n.net
Sat Nov 29 08:56:17 EST 2003

>My prediction: within 3 years, you'll be able to purchase a QRP
>transceiver in the above configuration for under $200.
>     73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ

>You can buy a 1w HF SDR now for $499.95.  I'm thinking of picking one up
>just to play with it.
>  - jgc
>John Clifford KD7KGX

Wow! This reflector has some truly knowledgeable folks as participants. 
Thanks for your inputs. I stand corrected. As some others have noted, we 
have to re-think what a ham radio transceiver should look like. Once you do 
that . . .

John, W3ULS

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