[TenTec] New out of box Titan 111 does'nt work. Help

William Terry terry_wh at Mercer.EDU
Sat Nov 29 08:31:54 EST 2003

 Opened box . Performed 10 meter mod and installed transformer.  Added po=
  Hooked up drive and low swr antenna.  On standby ant loads well.  Punch=
operate.  Plate voltage 3000.  Applied drive. Grid current goes down?? Pl=
current goes up.  Load and Tune no effect. No output.  Same setup with
Hercules 11. Works great.=0D
I find it hard to believe that brand new TenTec amp defective so I must b=
doing something stupid. Any ideas?=0D
TenTec on holiday.=0D
Bill K4BYR

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