Orion was ( [TenTec] Hercules III / Mark Erbaugh)

Duane Grotophorst n9dg at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 08:23:32 EDT 2003

--- Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX <RMcGraw at Blomand.Net>
> I see it this way.  Does one want a high performance
> radio or a high
> performance display?

Why does this always need to be an "OR" proposition?
Why can't we have both together? Reminds me of the
crystal vs. DSP filtering debate, many see that as an
"OR" question as well, but yet the Orion now does
combine both extremely effectively, ... argument over.

> In the end, I've never had a
> display assist in pulling a
> weak signal out of the noise .....

On the contrary I use "fancy" displays to find signals
on the 50-432MHz "weak signal" bands all the time (and
am doing so on all 4 of those bands simultaneously),
and I now find that radios without spectrum display
capabilities to be down right clunky to use. But I'll
generally agree with the sentiment about the
usefulness of displays on the radios themselves. You
simply cannot put enough information on a small 5 Inch
or so display no matter how hard you try, you really
do need a good sized external monitor or 2, or even 3.


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