[TenTec] Orion "spot" button

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Mon Sep 1 19:48:32 EDT 2003

 > Can someone enlighten me as to whether the Orion has
 > a "spot" button for  zero-beating a CW sig?

         And what a pleasure to have a non-distorted tone (unlike the MP's
square wave)!  I can now zero-beat CW signals exactly like I could
with the TS-930.  A major irritation for the past 6 years is now gone...
not to mention the fact that the MP had a mysterious 70 Hz offset
between the spot frequency and the actual transmit frequency.  My only
regret is that TT limited the spot tone to 300 Hz, since I sometimes set
my TS-930S to <250 Hz for extremely weak signals.

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV 

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