[TenTec] Frequency Knob lock for a Corsair I

Duane Grotophorst n9dg at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 3 21:25:21 EDT 2003

No the Ten Tec radios prior to the Omni V and Paragons
all use a permeability tuned VFO. Mechanically it is
just a "slug" of ferrite material with a thread in the
inside of it, the VFO knob then simply turns a
threaded rod that is inside of the slug and makes it
move in and out of a coil. So short of physically
locking the knob itself from turning there is no
simple way to do it "electrically".


--- kd5inm <kd5inm at texwire.com> wrote:
>   Is there a way to put a frequency lock button or
> lock to stop the
> frequency knob from moving on a Ten Tec Corsair I? 
> Is the inside mechanism
> like those in a Icom 211 or IC-551 which uses a LED
> and phototransistor
> along with a slotted wheel to change the frequncy,
> if so I think I could add
> one by turning off the LED's, a friend of mine is
> blind and occasionally he
> bumps the knob which knocks him off frequency, we'd
> like to add a switch of
> somekind to stop the freq. from changing if he bumps
> it with his hand while
> working the front panel.
>   Thanks all for the help, 73' John Hamilton ,kd5inm

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