[TenTec] website showing vintage TenTec?

Paul (ve1dy) ve1dy at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 15:46:06 EDT 2003

Hi Joe...

I have several Ten Tec sites listed on my web page  
http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/ppike/  Just click on the Ten Tec Argonaut

73, Paul

--- "White, Joseph H." <jhw at rti.org> wrote:
> Is there a website that has photos/descriptions/options of 
> TenTec radios produced in the past?
> I subscribed to this list when playing with some of the older,
> lower priced TenTec radios (Argosy, Argonaut, Century21), but
> some of the postings about the more modern radios has really 
> gotten my interest up.  Unfortunately, I'm pretty dumb about 
> the various models that TenTec produced so I was looking for
> a site to cure my ignorance (or start in that direction). 
> I'm mainly interested in recent models, say the past 10 years or
> so.
>    Thanks,
>      joe WA4GIR
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