[TenTec] Re: 253 ATU

G3JAG G3JAG at patents.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Sep 16 00:30:40 EDT 2003

I have been using a 253 for years now to feed a 40m inverted V dipole with 
400w of RF, via 20 feet of coax to a Centaur balun followed by 50-60 feet of 
ladderline. I work all bands 80-10m with this setup. I do not pretend it is 
ideal, but then our home is on a 30 foot by 150 foot lot, only 3 miles from 
the centre of a major UK city. An antenna farm is impractical.

I can only admire the ingenuity of others in finding ways to use the 253 that 
TT never thought of ... My approach seems downright trivial. The line-up is 
Omni-v.9, Hercules II and the 253,  interconnected with the regular TT cable. 
The Omni is also controlled from a PC, so complete band/mode/ATU switching 
can be done from the keyboard. 

I use an old Heathkit antenna switch connected by three short coax cables to 
the 253 (plus one coax jumper to my K2.)  The 253  "Antenna 1" stores the 
current (or last) CW setting on non-WARC bands. "Antenna 2" likewise stores 
the SSB setting on non-WARC bands. "Antenna 3" stores a setting for each of 
the WARC bands. It would be nice to have more settings for different parts of 
the band(s) but thats not necessarily helpful, because using ladderline, the 
settings vary with the weather ... sometimes a great deal.   

One wrong setting per band segment is more useful than a basket full of them 
to be re-adjusted every time it rains, yes ??  This setup has helped me hit 
the top of the DXCC Honor Roll (mixed), so I guess that avoiding too many 
complications is not a bad idea.

Final point. The X2404 chip seems to be readily available here only as the 
cmos version X24C04, but it works just fine.  I got a bag of them from the UK 
parent of Newark.  Incidentally the same chip is used in the Omni-V but is 
NOT socketed. If you have memory problems on a much-used Omni-V then swap the 
chip, but after cutting the old one out and cleaning the holes, fit a socket !  
Note that pins 2 and 7 are also soldered to a jumper trace on top of the 
board,  and a turned pin socket has room to re-solder these connections 
without melting the socket - if you are very careful.. Otherwise put an 
insulated jumper on the underside. Just as good and less difficult to do.

John G3JAG

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