[TenTec] #352 600 Hz Orion roofing filter kit

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Thu Apr 1 14:08:51 EST 2004

WC1M wrote:
 >This looks very interesting and I'd like to give it a try. I assume that if
you set Auto filter selection and tell the Orion there is no 500 Hz filter,
it will use the 600 Hz filter from 750Hz on down to wherever the 250Hz
filter kicks in. Are you planning on running it that way, or will you
disable the 250Hz filter too?

         Correct, that will enable the 600 Hz (actually 640 Hz)
from ~750 Hz until ~200 Hz where the 250 would kick in if
enabled.  Of course you can also disable the 250 and the
600 will work all the way down to DSP = 100.  The 250 does
not fare nearly as badly as the 500 as can be seen in
YT1NT's data on page 5 here:


I belive this is because the extra amplifier following the
500 and 250 positions is a better match to the 250's insertion
loss.  If IMD is an issue, the 600 roofing filter is definitely
better than the 250 position, but there may still be non-IM
situations where I would like the 250 so I'm keeping mine for
the time being.

         Inrad (W2VJN) ordered ~10 extras of the #352 kit so I would
contact him fairly soon if you are interested.  You also need a
Ten-Tec compatible plug-in board ($10) plus a Radio Shack 276-150
($1.69 plus tax) for mounting the filter components on.

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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