[TenTec] BPL: The End Is Near

ham at w3eax.umd.edu ham at w3eax.umd.edu
Fri Apr 16 23:40:52 EDT 2004

I actually heard back from my congressman.

He's not thrilled with the FCC either.

Scott Rosenfeld  ARS N7JI
541-684-9970  Eugene, OR  Land o' much rain
If you find me on the air, I'm probably in my car
ham at w3eax.umd.edu  http://w3eax.umd.edu/~ham

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Bill Rowlett wrote:

> This is why I have said all along, write the people you sent to Washington.
> These are the only ones who can get change to happen. They hold the purse
> strings. They do not want unhappy voters in an election year. Do not
> complain here, do it by writing Washington.
> 73,  Bill  kc4atu
> QRP, doing more with less
> FM19ga
> >From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <wn3vaw at fyi.net>
> >Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
> >To: "Ten Tec Reflector" <tentec at contesting.com>
> >Subject: [TenTec] BPL:  The End Is Near
> >Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 20:23:45 -0400
> >
> >In case you haven't already heard, the FCC approved yesterday the 2000 SAVI
> >petition to permit RF ID Tags (RFID) in the 433.5 MHz band.
> >
> >One of the reasons mentioned for this approval (see
> >http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2004/04/15/103/?nc=1 for the full story)
> >by
> >the FCC was that the use of RFID would "improve homeland security."  I put
> >this piece of doubletalk in the same neighborhood as "it's for the
> >children.
> >Now you're not against anything that's for the children, are you?"
> >
> >Even more chilling, though, is that the FCC's Office of Engineering &
> >Technology is proposing changes to Part 15, at first (of course) only in
> >commercial & industrial areas... is that the nose of the camel peaking into
> >the tent?... to facillitate RFID useage.  But, and I quote from the above
> >mentioned web page:
> >
> >'current Part 15 requirements aimed at preventing interference to licensed
> >services "may unnecessarily constrain the operational range of RFID systems
> >as well as the speed and quantity of data that can be transmitted."  '
> >
> >Methinks this poses bad for us.  My gut hunch is that after "due diligence"
> >and a "fair" review of our comments, the FCC will pass new BPL rules that
> >will harm the Amateur Service -- and we can kiss off the Part 15 objections
> >we think we're going to have, because that change will come next.  For the
> >benefit of Homeland Security, of course.
> >
> >Feh.  First time in a long time I've actually been happy that the State of
> >Pennsyvania conveniently changed my registration from Republican to
> >Democrat
> >when I last renewed my driver's license...
> >
> >73, ron wn3vaw
> >
> >"What's the point in being crazy if you can't have a little fun with it?"
> >-- Russell Crowe portraying John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind"
> >
> >
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