[TenTec] FQR and QRQ

Steve N4LQ n4lq at iglou.com
Fri Aug 20 18:49:13 EDT 2004

You would love the shack of Jim, W4TNF. I just visited him and his total
station equipment is a Triton IV, Heath keyboard, old bug and wire antenna
somewhere in the back yard. It was a beautiful sight. Jim is strictly a CW,
QRQ, QSK type. Wish I had taken my camera.

Steve N4LQ
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Hyder -N4NT-" <mike_n4nt at charter.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] FQR and QRQ

> ...love my triton !
> Mike N4NT
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "n4lq" <n4lq at iglou.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 1:21 PM
> Subject: RE: [TenTec] FQR and QRQ
> There is another thing that I seldom see mentioned in all of this. Sure,
> some rigs will send 80-100 wpm and yes they will do this in QSK mode BUT
> will you be able to hear a beaker while sending? The Orion I had would
> certainly send 42 WPM in QSK mode but was totally deaf to anyone trying
> to break in. Not until you dropped down to about 15 wpm could you
> actually make use of it's so-called QSK.
> Last night, we ran test on the Triton IV, 544 digital. It sent excellent
> cw at 100 wpm with full/working/real/live QSK and it does this with no
> artifacts like clicking or thumping, just nice, smooth, wide-open QSK!
> Now that's what I call a real CW rig. So my point here is: It does not
> matter if a rig has QSK or not unless you can hear a breaking station at
> whatever speed you are running. Not only does it not matter but a rig
> that is deaf while in QSK mode is a total FAKE QSK RIG. Yes, an FQR. FQRs
> are everywhere these days.
> N4LQ
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