[TenTec] Omni VI v. Orion
Duane Grotophorst
n9dg at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 31 21:32:55 EDT 2004
--- Grant Youngman <nq5t at comcast.net> wrote:
> The spectrum scope would actually be a lot more
> useful if each signal
> were color coded -- black: the old ragchew geezer
> cross town; yellow:
> North America; red: DX; flashing red: RARE! DX.
> That way you'd know
> exactly where to tune and could pounce immediately
> on stations of
> interest without all that tuning malarkey.
> Grant/NQ5T
Actually with a properly implemented waterfall display
plus a bit of practice and understanding of what it is
that you are actually seeing, can do exactly this. For
instance you can see who is calling CQ, tell which
"streaks" are rag chewers/round tables, which are weak
and/or propagation distorted signals, and when a
signal appears for the very first instance on a
frequency far from where you are currently are. And
yep best of all, you pounce on them, and with just a
click of the mouse, so no, none of that tuning
malarkey :).
Then you post that rare DX spot on the DX cluster for
the rest of the hounds to pile up on while you go find
something else new on the waterfall, ... and get to
them first ;).
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