[TenTec] Corsair II vs Omni VI+

GARY HUBER glhuber at msn.com
Sat Dec 11 07:40:55 EST 2004

I've done the same "test" with my OMNI VI+ and Corsair II but also tried the major CW pile-ups 1-2 KHz from a weak DX station. It seemed to me (just earballing) that there were less Sum and Difference products from the strong  stations in the pileup falling into the passband on the weak DX station with the Corsair II. But it may be I was only wanting the analog radio to outperform the digital one. 

Most likely the only true test would be to simultaneously store the recovered audio of both rigs and analyze it with an audio spectrum analyzer. After all that's what we are doing with our ears.

Both radios are really great and maybe there isn't enough difference for the average pair of ears to notice. 

Best regards,
Gary - AB9M
glhuber at msn.com<mailto:glhuber at msn.com>
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paul DeWitte K9OT<mailto:k9ot at mhtc.net> 
  To: TenTec at contesting.com<mailto:TenTec at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 12:38 PM
  Subject: [TenTec] Corsair II vs Omni VI+

  I have been playing the last couple of days (nights) on 80&160m listening on both the Corsair II and my Omni VI+. I can switch back and forth between either radio using the same ant, so I can compare the same signal on either radio using the same ant.
  I have found that anything that I hear on the Omni VI+ I can hear on the Corsair II as well or better, regardless of using NR and ,or any combinatin of filters in the Omni.

  This is on a fairly empty band. Not in a contest situation where like in the ARRL 160 people would park 200hz away from you and start calling CQ. I think the Omni VI+ has it over the Corsair II for close in interference.

  I find that the receiever in the CorsairII is quieter that the Omni VI+ on the same ant. Easier to Listen to for long periods of time.

  My question is, for those that have tried this, do you find the same thing that I am? Is there something wrong with the Omni VI+ that it does not hear better than the Corsair II? Am I missing something?
  Since I like both radios I am just curious and not wanting to get rid of either one.

  Thanks 73 Paul K9OT
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  TenTec at contesting.com<mailto:TenTec at contesting.com>

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