[TenTec] Centurian 422 vs Titan III

HENRY PFIZENMAYER pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Sun Dec 19 12:32:58 EST 2004

Like to hear some opinions on the new Centurian versus the Titan III . If I
am gonna order the Centurian , I want to do it this week.

1. 1000-1200 watts versus 1500 watts is not an issue for me .
2. QSK life is not an issue , I will operate "semi-breakin" with the amp.
3. Spits and arcs are a big issue.
4. Looks like tube replacement cost are close enough to be a toss up.
5. 99 percent of operation will be CW.
6. While cost is not a complete non-issue , my last amp ran for
    25 years and I expect the same with this one, at which point
   I won't care anymore !!!!
7. Have an Orion on order and expect to use the amp with Orion
    to keep it all Tentec.
8. Reliability -Reliability - Reliability  is a major issue.
9. 160 is a must.

I have read all the reviews I can find , looked at archives until
my neck hurts and still have not reached a decision. One thing
that continues to pop out at me is the number of Centurians
for sale used - always wonder why - surely 1000 vs 1500 watts
is not the issue.

Any thoughts ?

off line is fine to hanknospam at att.net

Thanks - Hank K7HP

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