[TenTec] Argosy restoration from NU7Z

Nu7z at aol.com Nu7z at aol.com
Mon Dec 20 11:02:17 EST 2004

Hi all -- 

I am new to the group and have really enjoyed all of the information I have 
seen here. I recently purchased an argosy ( not a "D" model) and I am in the 
process of bringing it back to the good looking box that that it is. There are 
several things I'm looking for that I wonder if the group might be able to help 
me with. 

First are the knobs. It is really interesting the combination of knobs that 
one can put on a radio. I need two more of the original knobs. I got just one 
from TT as I think they ran out, but I need the knob for the NO/OFF and drive. 

Second, I'm looking for an audio filter and noise blanker. 

And last but not least, if some has an old box that is not serviceable I need 
the front panel/face plate. As this one is scratched up pretty bad. 

Thank you all for the bandwidth and Merry Christmas. 

73 -- Rick

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