[TenTec] Re: More PRO III/Omni VI pix
Duane - N9DG
n9dg at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 26 09:49:55 EST 2004
I'd be curious what the audio spectrums look like for
these two radios in the frequency domain vs. the time
domain that these JPEGs are done in?
It is always interesting to see what audio artifacts a
radio puts out clear out to 20 kHz or so. I've come to
believe that these artifacts above 3Khz or so are a
factor in whether a radio is fatiguing to listen to or
I use Spectran and SR5 for looking at these traits;
they can be found at:
And there are a number of other programs out there as
well and most are freeware.
It is easy to get a good sense of IF filter passband
flatness with these programs as well (assuming that
the sound card you are using has flat response).
--- Steve N4LQ <n4lq at iglou.com> wrote:
> To answer the SSB question. Here is a picture of
> both rigs listening to band
> noise on 80 meters without the NR turned on and with
> the bandwidth at 1.8
> khz.
> Notice how the Omni VI's pattern is elevated off the
> bottom of the chart.
> This demonstrates the lack of low frequency response
> of the TenTec filters.
> Note the noise spikes kick up to about 3.5 khz on
> the Omni but nearly 4.5
> khz on the PRO.
> The main thing to note here is the density of the
> noise. The PRO's pattern
> is almost solid blue while the Omni's is much less
> intense. Also look at the
> top pattern. The PRO III's signal is significantly
> more intense.
> Obviously, the Omni VI is going to be much easier on
> the ears under these
> conditions. Those big noise spikes come out sounding
> like clicks on the PRO
> but are hardly noticeable on the Omni.
> Keep in mind....My PRO III is being checked out. It
> could be defective. The
> jury is still out on this one.
> http://www.webham.com/ssb.jpg
> Steve N4LQ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <KD7EFQ at aol.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:35 AM
> Subject: [TenTec] Decision Made / Pro III / for N4LQ
> > Hi Steve, the Pics are very interesting, and I
> will follow your saga.
> > However, being a
> > 98% SSB op that rarely if ever gets narrower than
> 1.8 in rough conditions
> > (too much loss of fidelity at narrower bandwidths
> for me), is a
> > measurement at
> > 250Hz CW bandwidth going to be something I notice
> at 1.8 - 2.9khz
> > settings?
> >
> > As I said, nothings happening until the QST, and
> hopefully a Sherwood Eng.
> > review.
> >
> > 73, Todd - KT0DD - kd7efq at aol.com
> > "The race is over...THE RATS WON !"
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