[TenTec] Re: More PRO III/Omni VI pix

Steve N4LQ n4lq at iglou.com
Sun Dec 26 10:56:02 EST 2004

I'm trying Spectran but don't see that it can show 2 inputs at once. 
Spectrogram is too expensive but at least you can display 2 radios. Do you 
know of any others that can do that?
Steve N4LQ
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Duane - N9DG" <n9dg at yahoo.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re: More PRO III/Omni VI pix

> I'd be curious what the audio spectrums look like for
> these two radios in the frequency domain vs. the time
> domain that these JPEG's are done in?
> It is always interesting to see what audio artifacts a
> radio puts out clear out to 20 kHz or so. I've come to
> believe that these artifacts above 3Khz or so are a
> factor in whether a radio is fatiguing to listen to or
> not.
> I use Spectran and SR5 for looking at these traits;
> they can be found at:
> http://www.weaksignals.com/
> http://www.ar5.ndo.co.uk/
> And there are a number of other programs out there as
> well and most are freeware.
> It is easy to get a good sense of IF filter passband
> flatness with these programs as well (assuming that
> the sound card you are using has flat response).
> Duane
> N9DG
> --- Steve N4LQ <n4lq at iglou.com> wrote:
>> To answer the SSB question. Here is a picture of
>> both rigs listening to band
>> noise on 80 meters without the NR turned on and with
>> the bandwidth at 1.8
>> khz.
>> Notice how the Omni VI's pattern is elevated off the
>> bottom of the chart.
>> This demonstrates the lack of low frequency response
>> of the TenTec filters.
>> Note the noise spikes kick up to about 3.5 khz on
>> the Omni but nearly 4.5
>> khz on the PRO.
>> The main thing to note here is the density of the
>> noise. The PRO's pattern
>> is almost solid blue while the Omni's is much less
>> intense. Also look at the
>> top pattern. The PRO III's signal is significantly
>> more intense.
>> Obviously, the Omni VI is going to be much easier on
>> the ears under these
>> conditions. Those big noise spikes come out sounding
>> like clicks on the PRO
>> but are hardly noticeable on the Omni.
>> Keep in mind....My PRO III is being checked out. It
>> could be defective. The
>> jury is still out on this one.
>> http://www.webham.com/ssb.jpg
>> Steve N4LQ
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: <KD7EFQ at aol.com>
>> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:35 AM
>> Subject: [TenTec] Decision Made / Pro III / for N4LQ
>> > Hi Steve, the Pics are very interesting, and I
>> will follow your saga.
>> > However, being a
>> > 98% SSB op that rarely if ever gets narrower than
>> 1.8 in rough conditions
>> > (too much loss of fidelity at narrower bandwidths
>> for me), is a
>> > measurement at
>> > 250Hz CW bandwidth going to be something I notice
>> at 1.8 - 2.9khz
>> > settings?
>> >
>> > As I said, nothings happening until the QST, and
>> hopefully a Sherwood Eng.
>> > review.
>> >
>> > 73, Todd - KT0DD - kd7efq at aol.com
>> > "The race is over...THE RATS WON !"
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