More Re: [TenTec] Orion redefines the meaning of ... AGC OFF
Carl Moreschi
n4py at
Sun Feb 8 14:38:00 EST 2004
No elaborate test gear needed for this test. I am right now listening to an
SSB signal at 24.948 mhz. On the K2, the signal is barely discernable with
the preamp off. With the preamp on, the signal jumps up a lot in audio
volume. This is a symptom of insufficient gain. On the Orion, the signal
sounds loud and clear and the very same volume with the preamp on or off. I
am just switching the very same antenna bewteen the two radios. Also, the
K2 is much poorer voice quality than the Orion listening to SSB signals.
This is because the K2 ssb filter is too narrow. And the price of a K2 with
the 100 watt unit and SSB is $1150 and not $850.
It is much easier to get good IP3 and BDR numbers if you design with a low
overall gain factor.
Carl Moreschi N4PY
Franklinton, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: <K3BU at>
To: <tentec at>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: More Re: [TenTec] Orion redefines the meaning of ... AGC OFF
> In a message dated 2/8/04 8:29:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> n4py at writes:
> I'm tired of hearing comparisons between the K2 and the Orion. The two
> radios are as different as night and day.
> Who is comparing radios?
> What was being compared is the receiver sensitivity, noise floor and weak
> signal discernability. Subject came up and was being discussed. Fact is
that K6SE
> found K2 hearing stuff that Orion and bunch of others could not. If you
> tested and have proof of otherwise, please describe your setup and
> Sure the radios are in different league and huge price difference, but one
> can put up with some deficiencies in $800 radio vs. "ultimate" $3.6k
> Sorry if I tired you. You may use delete key any time you get tired.
> Can we discuss topics rationally or is this really TT Worshipers Cult
> Yuri
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