[TenTec] Re: Pegasus discontinued

Duane Grotophorst n9dg at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 10 09:14:20 EST 2004

Hopefully it means that there is a Pegasus II in the
works, you know the one with the 24-bit A to D plus
32-bit DSP of the Orion and Ethernet interfacing.
Additionally with 2 or so optional narrow roofing
filter slots in the IF chain. And of course the
exceptionally clean synthesizer of the Orion.

I does however surprise me a little that TT is
discontinuing the Peg since it does share such high
degree of parts/design commonality with the Jupiter.
The additional marginal costs for the unique to the
Pegasus parts I would think are rather low. The
Jupiter after all is more or less just a superset of
the Pegasus.


--- ac5e at comcast.net wrote:
> Ten Tec has posted a notice that the Pegasus will
> soon be discontinued. According to the posting,
> there are a few left in stock and if there are
> enough orders TT will build one more run. More info
> on the TT website. 
> 73 all  Pete Allen  AC5E

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