[TenTec] Re: Pegasus discontinued

Rick Westerman Rick at dj0ip.de
Sun Jan 11 12:48:40 EST 2004

I agree with you guys.

I suffer from a Self-Inflicted-Wound here in my shack.
When I moved in with my YL (now XYL) 5 years ago, I custom built
my operating position, centered on my Omni VI+.
It is the most perfect operating position I have ever had, with
easy access to the back sides of all radios.
Only problem is, the Orion simply won't fit in the space where
the Omni VI+ resides!
And, I see no easy "work-around".  I'll have to tear it all down
and start over again.

I also have no need for a continuous coverage radio, or even a
built-in second receiver, for that matter.  Something physically
smaller, but basically just as good, and several pennies cheaper
would be a better fit for my needs.

I told Santa I wanted that, but apparently his Link to Tennessee
was not working!

All companies need something new in the pipe in order to stay in
Let's hope that this wish is one of the things in T-T's pipe.


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