[TenTec] Quieting fan

Steve Weber kd9bo at mac.com
Mon Jan 19 19:17:46 EST 2004

Dear fellow cult-of-the-cosmic-orange-dot members,

Would it be possible to surround the tube with a finned heat sink 
similar to those used on some transistors?  What about ducting that 
discharges by the tubes or even surrounds the tubes?  Having never 
seen the inside of this amp, I may be simply blowing hot air.  (ouch)

KD9BO Steve

>Hi Gary,
>The original post was in regards to an amplifier which uses a pair 
>(maybe 4) 572B triodes. These are glass envelope tubes. While it may 
>be possible to precool the air using a chilled water system, there 
>would still be a need for a fan to blow the air across the tube 
>envelopes. Perhaps the air flow rate could be reduced and the fan 
>could be quieter using cooler air.
>There are water cooled tubes and conduction cooled tubes, which 
>could reasonably incorporate a liquid heat transfer media. In the 
>case of glass envelope tubes I really see no reasonable way that 
>water cooling could be applied.
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

Steve Weber

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