[TenTec] Buying a New Orion

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue Jan 20 13:25:19 EST 2004

N8ME wrote:
 >It's unconceivable that purely software (firmware) upgrades will keep
the Orion up to date against such new technology.

         The funny thing is, Orion's outstanding front-end performance (as 
is true
for the K2) has absolutely NOTHING to do with computer technology.  It has to
do with superior analog design of the front-end that has been around for 
decades.  The mistake some manufacturers have made has been to think that
128-bit CPU's at 50 GHz can overcome basic limitations in the analog front-end.
Sadly, some of them still believe that (but that's good news for Ten-Tec).

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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