[TenTec] Why is the Jupiter Better?

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Wed Jul 7 20:49:56 EDT 2004

Dennis, NC2F wrote:
> Stuart,
> All good points you make, and yes, a radio with such limitations as you
> point out can't take endless amounts of updates, which makes me wonder about
> the first poster's point of the the Jupiter's update lifespan. I'm sure TT
> has the answer in respect to time/space of the lifespan of the Jupiter
> reagrding firmware updates. It's something that certainly a prospective
> buyer would want to know if indeed the assertion that the Jupiter has taken
> on alot of updates since inception and may be approaching capacity is an
> issue as of today. (BTW, I'm not suggesting that it is in fact the case,
> just responding to the other poster's opinion on the subject matter).
> Dennis, NC2F

When TT no longer finds it feasible to update the firmware I sure
hope they place the necessary data in the public domain so that
Hams may continue to tinker with the obsoleted hardware.

I also hope that they will sell the replacement chips for a time
in case said experimentation harms them from time to time.

I am a fan of Linux and folks constantly have to write drivers
for devices because Microsoft-centric hardware providers fail
to provide a complete set of drivers, and some even refuse to
cooperate in letting someone write them for free -- thus expanding
their marketplace!  Such is the fear of Microsoft.  Sigh.

It would be terrific for me to even now see a Linux-friendly
version for the Jupiter because as it is I have to drag the
rig across the house to a desktop PC with M$ Windows 98 if I
want to run an update -- this led to crossed lines on a jury-
rigged 12v portable power setup and fried two transistors on
the DC board.  A Linux option would allow me to do updates
via my Linux notebook at the operating position -- just a
personal quirk!.

Now I will carefully climb down off my soapbox!  ;-)

73, doc kd4e

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