[TenTec] Titan 425E caps

Marcel Jorba ea3in at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 18 13:30:55 EDT 2004

Thanks for all answers.

If this is all the problem, I will live it.

73, Marcel

--- Joe Giacobello <k2xx at swva.net> wrote:
> I have precisely the same problem with one of my
> 425's and had also 
> concluded that a meter resistor is the problem.  I
> am also living with it.
> 73, Joe
> ac5e at comcast.net wrote:
> >Hi Marcel:  My 425 also indicates 1.8 "Plate
> Kilovolts" on the front panel meter. I was
> suspicious when that started, about five years ago,
> since the drive wattage and Tune/Load settings
> remained the same for the same power output so I
> checked the actual HV out of the power supply. 
> >My power supply itself puts out 2,320 Volts when
> the plate meter sits on the dot between the numbers
> 1 and 8 in the 1.8 red scale. Running CW with 1500 W
> measured output the actual voltage drops to 2,230 V
> - while the meter on the Titan drops to just a bit
> to the left of the 1 in 1.8. I suspect a dropping
> resistor in the metering circuit, but I haven't been
> curious enough to tear my setup down to get to the
> circuitry. Too much work for too small a concern. 
> >Now, I was suspicious for three reasons. Besides
> the fact that my logged settings for max output had
> not changed,  local hams who can hear me very well
> and know my voice report NO AC HUM on my signal with
> or without the amplifier in line. And the final
> reason is that when the filter caps go bad there's
> usually  a very substantial drop in voltage between
> no load and full load. 
> >If you don't show a big drop in HV between idling
> and operating I would not worry too much about it.
> If it worries you find a calibrated high voltage
> meter or a probe that will work with a meter you
> have and measure the HV at the power cable at the
> back of the RF deck. And have everything hooked up
> and metering - AND YOUR HANDS WELL CLEAR - before
> you turn the power on!  Failure to do this can
> result in a well done ham!!!! 
> >If the HV meter agrees with the built in meter, you
> may have a power supply problem worth fixing. If it
> reads much higher than the built in meter you
> probably have a voltage divider problem in the
> Titan's metering circuit. 
> >73  Pete Allen  AC5E
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