[TenTec] Ten-Tec's for sale

EDWARD CRAWFORD w4wvw at msn.com
Sat Jun 5 22:15:46 EDT 2004

Good day, all. Listing a couple nice items to raise funds to help purchase a 
new toy, most likely a Jupiter, maybe an Omni VI, not sure yet.

I have a very nice 560 Corsair with the 263 VFO. They both look and perform 
as well as could be expected for their age for equipment that has been used 
and not just admired. There are the usual small nicks and scratches here and 
there. The Corsair has a couple deep scratches about 1/2"-3/4" long on the 
top cabinet near the front that extend into the aluminum trim piece that 
goes across the top front and are just slightly visible from the front veiw. 
The front panels look excellent with no noticeable scratches or rubs. The 
Corsair has all three filters in the 6mHz slots (1.8, 500, 250). It still 
has the 4 pole filter in the 9mHz slot for some reason. The radio was at 
Ten-Tec in May '01 for an overhaul. They work great. As you probably know, 
the receive on these are fantastic. Someone said the Corsair is still on the 
ARRL top ten list for receive after all this time. Pictures of these in my 
shack can be seen at http://home.earthlink.net/~w4wvw/id6.html . I am asking 
$500 Shipped and Insured. There is a new looking 280 power supply i can 
include if you want to pay extra for the shipping. It works but has a 
problem. Not sure what it is but I suspect it is low voltage.

Also have a nice Scout with 5 band modules (10-80 meters) and the noise 
blinker. Works good and looks good. Not much to say about these except they 
are simple and effective. Plenty of receive audio, the Jones filter greatly 
improves selectivity, and the noise blanker works well. Asking $375 shipped 
and insured.

Lastly there is a 4229 2KW roller inductor antenna tuner. The 4229 is the 
229 that was built from a kit. With the clear lexan overlay on the front 
panel, I think it is the best looking of the Ten-Tec tuners. The tuner works 
well and operates smoothly. No signs of ever any arcing inside. It needs a 
new dial cord installed, which I have and will include, with instructions. 
The meter however is not working because the internal SWR board is missing. 
The boards are not available. I do have a life-sized schematic of the 
board,front and back; someone who is so inclined could fix this very easily. 
The operators and construction manuals are included. Asking $175 shipped and 

Also have a nice Gonset gsb-201 amp which runs 4 811-a tubes for anyone 
within 50-100 miles of Winston Salem, NC for pickup or get together. Price 
is negotiable (cheap!). Must have a strong back and desk to match.

I can provide high or low resolution pictures (depending on your connection 
speed) of this equipment to anyone who is interested. Feel free to contact 
me if I can answer any questions.
Prices quoted are for continuous US buyers only, please. Others are welcome 
to inquire for additional shipping.

No mic included for either radio as I will need what I have for what I get.
Power cords and copies of the manuals provided.

Contact Ed Crawford, W4WVW
w4wvw at earthlink.net
w4wvw at msn.com

Thanks for the bandwidth and for looking.
73. Ed

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