[TenTec] Heil ProSet adapter with Orion -- hum

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Wed Jun 23 21:58:24 EDT 2004

Here's a quick report on what I found.  By taking pin 2 to the connector
case (pin 1 is mic, pin 2 is shield), the audio gets becomes distorted -
buzzy..  Turning on the speech processor, even on just "1" the audio
picks up an additional buzz almost like my voice was bouncing off a big
metal sheet.  Very odd.  Master reset (just for grins) was no help.  If I
use the TT 706 mic, or their hand mic, there is no problem, and the audio
sounds fine.  So, it's something in the Heil setup, but I'm not sure what

Also, while troubleshooting this, I checked 10m SSB freq's for the first
time on this radio and found it has some sort of oscillation on both RX's
starting gradually around 28,350 and continuing to get worse all the way
up to 29710.  Guess a note to Paul is the next due....

        73,  Duane

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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