[TenTec] RE:
Blain, Bruce
BBlain at necam.com
Thu Mar 11 21:28:46 EST 2004
Before anyone starts deleting jdbg.exe, you should look at these pages:
This is an old hoax, and has beed widely discredited. Unless you are
absolutely sure, I would question the action.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Roscoe [mailto:w1dwz at rcn.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:54 PM
To: YV5COMM at AOL.COM; XTREMECAMPING at AOL.COM; xman_1 at charter.net;
wyhas at bresnan.net; wr0s at swbell.net; WindborneTwo at AOL.COM;
willshingleton at cox.net; 'WG1L-JIM'; wfcustserv at llbean.com;
wf2u at starband.net; webform at paypal.com; we2f at arrl.net; WB1S-DAVE;
'WB1FWS-FRANK'; WB1FLA-TOM; 'WB1EVP-DAVE'; wataru aoki; warren ward;
'WA1TGN-BOB'; WA1ENO-TONY; w9zs at AOL.COM; w4clm.ham at juno.com; W4CLM;
w3hf at arrl.net; w3gk at comcast.net; W1YR-GEORGE; W1YOR-DICK; w1vet at arrl.net;
JZ; voicestream at custhelp.com; VirusInfo at trendmicro-newsletters.com;
Vintagevic1919 at AOL.COM; vdelaney at crcm.med.wayne.edu; Ute yahoo Kunzmann;
TushieTrsR at AOL.COM; TubeGroovy at AOL.COM; tswcarl at netscape.net;
transistormuseum at AOL.COM; Tracy yahoo DiBona; Tracy & Dave Lane; Todd
Bigelow; tobiasquest at excite.com; tlee at wcoil.com; tkoziol at comcast.net;
tim at mcdonough.net; Tim Howard; threelovebugs at earthlink.net;
Thinksnow77 at AOL.COM; thelifords101 at yahoo.com; tentec at contesting.com; Ten-Tec
Inc. Amateur Radio Sales; tdowney at qnet.com; Tammy McHugh; Tammy McHugh;
talevy at pepco.com; sv2kf at otenet.gr; Susan Roscoe; support at rcn.com; Steven W
Belcher; steve at cpstelecom.co.uk; steve at 0800telecom.co.uk; steve hurd; Steve;
spoof at paypal.com; sperrin at prexar.com; Smith, Darryl; sjennyo at AOL.COM;
Silen832 at AOL.COM; service at paypal.com; Scott Foster; sailqyc; Ruth Brooks;
Ross Hochstrasser; Roscoe, Alan; Robert Lawson; Robert Doherty; Richard
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rcn-billing at rcn.com; rbethman; Ray LaRue; Radiotyke at AOL.COM;
radio at lentinicomm.com; Polywog50 at AOL.COM; PMRPete at AOL.COM; Pj Winslow
(E-mail); PJ Winslow; phillipsjjm at cox.net; phart2000 at charter.net;
peterpar69 at AOL.COM; Peter Tsokanis; peter tenerowicz;
paypal.feedback at benchmarkportal.com; paulr.barker; Paul Koch; Paul Beaman
Jr.; Patty Slattery; Patty Manzo; Patrick E Marineau; Patricia Trillo; Pat
Skeen; PAL2450748 at AOL.COM; p.j. winslow; OSE; Order Processing - zanada;
Order Processing; Order Processing; obichaka at tiscali.co.uk; NS1X-JEFF;
NS1N-KARL; Norman Roscoe; Nancy Roscoe; Nancy Flattem; Nallawild;
naden at ncn.net; 'N1ZZN-JEFF'; N1IUN-DOUG; N1FY-CARL; N1FRE-BILL; N1FDX- JAY;
myrakgibson at hotmail.com; milsurplus at mailman.qth.net; mike1964 at flash.net;
Mike Repeta; Mike Gagne; Michelle DiMascio; Michael Williams; MFJ Manuals;
MEEBRAT at juno.com; Matthew Melissourgos; Mary Duggan; Martin E. von
Lindenberg; Marlene McKee; markle.k8ihq at lightstream.net; Mark Runions;
manualman at juno.com; MAM9 at acsu.buffalo.edu; LUMMA at NETZERO.NET; Luca Rossi;
lttran; Lloyd T. Price; Linda Buckley; Lewis Masson; Lewis Masson; Leslie
Chisum; Len Muscato; leblond jean guy; ldg at ldgelectronics.com;
LCBC108 at AOL.COM; lazrbeam at bright.net; Larry Stein; Kymberly Kelly; Kurt
Phaneuf; klarvin at AOL.COM; Beth Roscoe; Heather Roscoe; Jennifer Repeta;
Khang; Kevandliz at AOL.COM; KCC-Amateur; KC1HO-HO; kb2wig at AOL.COM;
KarlSnake at AOL.COM; Karl Tibbetts; Karen; kaptainjoker at AOL.COM; KA1VY-ERNIE;
KA1DZA-BOB; KA1BCV-MARILEE; 'KA1BBU-BOB'; k7gt at comcast.net; K1WYF-RON;
K1WCC-HENRY; k1vv at arrl.net; K1TH-TOM; K1RV-PI; K1RB-BOB; K1NOK-BOB;
jonweiner at AOL.COM; John Williams; John Wheaton; JOHN RANSOM; John B Harker;
John & Carol Naberezny; Joe Kulle, Sr.; Joe Kulle; Joe home Kulle; Joe home
Kulle; jkmcdnld at megsinet.com; jk1lynd at comcast.net; Jimmie A. Bales; Jim
Swasey; Jim Shurden; jim morris; jh1esr at dk.pdx.ne.jp;
jfosterinnj at comcast.net; Jen Dyer; jeffstamer at AOL.COM; Jeffry Messier; Jeff
Lehmann; Jeanne Crowdis Roscoe; jbveal at alumni.utexas.net; Jay Houser; Jay &
Peg; JANET DINDA; Janet Coleman; Jane Wing; Jamie St. Pierre; JAMES H
PHILLIPS; James Crofutt; James Candito; j.p.scott; Irmingard; iDine;
hoitenga at atl.bellsouth.net; Hmsbglilly at wmconnect.com; HIGUY1001 at comcast.net;
Henry Brown K1WCC; Harold Pugh jr; hammarlund at mailman.qth.net; Greg Mijal;
gnomedeplume at earthlink.net; GMurray711 at AOL.COM; Glenn at ValueSurplus.com;
ghensley at chestertel.com; Gerald Reynolds; Gail home Freeman; Frank Kiefer;
Frangolf29th at AOL.COM; Francis Foster; Francis E. Foster; Faith Damstrom;
fabbri.tom at rogers.com; eugene jenzen; esack; Erin (Pillsbury) Miller; Emily
Roscoe; elvis_davis2; Elaine Mondeau; EdwardsBty at AOL.COM; editor at qrz.com; Ed
LaPalme; ebfddr at earthlink.net; eBay Customer Support;
dx669 at buckeye-express.com; Duane Fischer, W8DBF; Doug Roberts; Doug and
Elizabeth DuBose; Dom/Jane Caruso; Dick Peterson; Dianne Will;
DianasShoppe at AOL.COM; DB Edwards; David W. Roscoe; David Repeta; Dave
Roscoe; Dave Riley; Dave Repeta; Dave Perrin; Dave Perrin; Dave Benson;
Darren work Mackiewicz; Darren home Mackiewicz; Darren home Mackiewicz;
Daniel Roy; danachico1 at AOL.COM; dailystatus at eBay.com; dai0531 at hotmail.com;
cw-opr; Customer Service; COACHIEONE at AOL.COM; cmarker at nutracorp.com; Clark
Savage Turner; Chuck Roscoe; Christopher Riely; Christopher Madden;
chipper57 at excite.com; Cheryl Repeta; Cheryl Repeta; Charles Repeta; Charles
& Janice Repeta; ccy at cox.net; cconsoli at iol.it; ccheney at thecia.net;
catalog at vibroplex.com; Carusoam at AOL.COM; Carl Nord; captal at sugar-river.net;
Callahan, Bob; brooks27 at comcast.net; Brian.Davin at Pfizer.com; Bob Stephens;
Bob Mandeville; Bob Doherty; Bob Dennis; Bob C; boatanchors at mailman.qth.net;
Blanca Ramirez; Blain, Bruce; Bill Fleig; Bill Bridge; Bill Bridge; Bill
Brannick; beverly_marshall at us.ibm.com; Beverly Frasca; Bernie F. Treat;
Becky Murphy; bduggan18 at comcast.net; bblain at blainfamily.com;
baroscoe at ATTBI.COM; Barbara Duggan; Bankccu at cs.com; awfremmer at AOL.COM;
aw-confirm at eBay.com; auction0864 at hotmail.com; ascoli at ib.pi.cnr.it;
Ascaltreto at AOL.COM; arc5 at ix.netcom.com; Annette Tarantino; Andrew Wylie;
Andrew Roscoe; Amie Standal; Alvin J Bernard; alaskalindajean at juno.com; Alan
Roscoe; Alan Roscoe; Alan Peterson; Alan Peterson; Alan home Roscoe; Alan
Fryer; Al Jenkins; aekjrs at comcast.net; AC1N-FRANK; AC1M-DEEK;
aa5jj1 at cox.net; AA1V-DON; AA1DC-SERGIO; AA1A-DAVE
Unfortunately a virus has been passed to me through an address book virus
which may have infected my and your address book. Since you are in my
address book, you will probably find it in your computer. The virus (called
jdbg.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee Anti-Virus systems. It sits
quietly for 14 days before damaging the system. It is sent automatically by
'messenger" and by address book, whether or not you e-mail your contacts.
Basically, that means you will pass it along unknowingly, as I did. I was
sent this e-mail and am now passing it on to you as to how to check for the
virus and how to get rid of it. Please do this. It's very simple to do and
took me less than a minute.
1. Go to Start, then click your "Find" or "Search" option
2. In the folder option, type the name jdbgmgr.exe
3. Be sure to search your C drive and all the sub folders and any other
drives you may have
4. Click "Find Now" or "Search"
5. The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe. DON'T open
6. Go to "File" (on the menu bar) and select "Delete" That will send the
virus to the recycle bin.
If you find the virus, you must contact all the people in your address book
so that they may eradicate the virus from their own address books.
To do this:
1. Open a new e-mail message
2. Click the icon"address book" next to "To"
3. Highlight every name and add to "BCC"
4. Copy this message and paste to e-mail this will affect everyone in
your address book.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Dave Roscoe Sorry about this.
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