[TenTec] 80M LOOP

Paul DeWitte K9OT k9ot at mhtc.net
Sat Mar 13 18:07:03 EST 2004

Since I have had both an 80m loop and an 80m inverted V up at the same time,
and both at very close to the same height (50 feet), I have to agree with

My loop ALWAYS was at least 1 S unit stronger on both TX and RCV. The Loop
was fed with open wire and run through a Johnson Match box and the inverted
V fed with coax.

If I were limited to a single antenna and had the room and supports it would
be a horizontal loop up at least 50 feet.
Works great on all bands.

As for the Icom 7800, I am waiting for them to send me the $2000 AND the
radio, and keep ALL of my T T rigs.
Probably going to be a long wait. So I will just keep on using what I have.

73 Paul K9OT

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