[TenTec] Corsair II question on filters

J. W. (Dub) Thornton dub at oklahoma.net
Sat Mar 27 22:19:40 EST 2004

Jim:  As you have it identified, the vertical filter is the stock 9mhz I.F. 
The other 4 filters are in the 6.3mhz second I.F.
Pos #1 was 2.4khz
Pos #2 is for 1.8khz
Pos #3 is for 500hz
Pos #4 is for 250hz

Three position xtal filter switch on front panel:
If you are in SSB mode,
#3=2.4khz filter

If you are in CW mode,

Good luck with the rig, its a nice one.

"73" Dub

At 08:30 PM 3/27/2004, you wrote:
>I just acquired a Corsair II but have no manual yet (and they are 
>expensive).  My question:
>The radio appears to have four filter slots on the horizontal board and 
>there is one in a vertical position above it.
>The horizontal filters are (viewing over the front panel) left to right,
>On left,
>Position 1, unidentifiable 8 Pole filter
>Position 2 - empty - As there are 3 filter positions on the front panel, 
>is this one of the three?
>Position 3 - 285 - 500 Hz 6 Pole Ladder Filter, 6.3 MHz I-F
>Position 3 - 282 - 250 Hz 6 Pole Ladder Filter, 6.3 MHz I-F
>The vertical filter is a 220 - 2.4 kHz 8 Pole Ladder Filter, 9 MHz
>I may or may not keep the radio and may sell the filters separately if the 
>buyer of the Corsair II does not wish to buy them.
>Which filters must stay with the radio?  I would say for sure the 285 and 
>282 can go.  The 220 filter, I am not sure.  Is it needed for SSB or just 
>the unidentified filter?  The unidentifiable filter, I am not sure.  My 
>goal is to identify what filters make up a stock radio.
>Can someone shed some light on these last two filters for me?
>Thank you.
>73, Jim
>Jim Larsen, AL7FS
>Anchorage, Alaska
>Join Anchorage ARC: http://www.KL7AA.org
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J. W.  (Dub) Thornton  WA5YFY
Minco, OK. 

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