[TenTec] A comment on a post on eHam

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Sun May 2 19:06:36 EDT 2004

So, if this were really valid data, don't you think the poster would say
where he got his information?  Always remember, many posters have no
qualms stating what they have no possibility of knowing.  Why heck, even
this reflector shows that from time to time!

        73,  Duane  (I have no idea if this is correct, and little
possibility of finding it out. :o)

On Sun, 2 May 2004 18:15:39 -0400 (Eastern Standard Time) "J. D."
<duffyb01 at fuse.net> writes:
> I saw a post on eHam discussing equipment manufacturers "elling out 
> hams." A
> comment from one poster said TenTec was in financial trouble.  Is 
> this true?
>   My God I hope not.
> Duffy
> www.wb8nut.com
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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