[TenTec] I guess no super duper add on for Omni.

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue May 18 17:08:16 EDT 2004

N4VET wrote:
 >Well, the guy that told us that a new add on for the Omni was on its way 
have been dreaming.
Dayton is history and no sign of this great new thing.
I guess he got a laugh on us.
I can't remember his call.
Maybe someone else on the TT list does.
He should be remembered for future misguided information and a not so good

         I wasn't dreaming but you were sleeping...zzzzzzzzz:

5/16/2004 http://dayton.akorn.net/pipermail/tentec/2004-May/044930.html
5/17/2004 http://mailman.qth.net/pipermail/1000mp/2004-May/015598.html (bottom)

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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