[TenTec] N4PY Orion Control Program Version 1.12 Released

Toby Pennington toby423 at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 8 15:00:00 EST 2004

Eric, I also have the HRD program and also the n4py control program.  I have 
been playing with both for about four weeks now I think. At this time there 
is no comparison between the two. The Ham Radio Deluxe does not have full 
implementation of all the features of the Orion, whereas the n4py program 

A few examples: On the HRD there is no manual notch control, on the n4py 
program there is and it works very well. The Pod control on the HRD doesn't 
work at all, and on the n4py the Pod works very nicely. The RIT for the 
sub-receive doesnt work on the HRD program. There is no sweep function on 
the HRD, whereas on the n4py program the sweep is really great. You just 
click on a peak and your VFO goes there instantly.

Also, it is difficult to tune the sub-receive on the HRD program. You have 
to click on the individual sub-receive frequency numbers to get the numbers 
to change, or you have to use the mouse wheel to turn the numbers on the 
subrecieve VFO...very tacky. (very slow) The only other way to tune the 
sub-recieve with HRD is to assign it to VFO A.  The tuning on the n4py 
program is classy, with three different ways to tune both the sub-recieve 
and the main-receive. (different speeds for tuning )

I use the n4py program with cwtype on cw and it works very well. When I use 
the cwtype with the HRD the sent cw skips or stumbles as it is being sent. I 
have communicated with the authors of HRD about this problem but as of yet 
no fix for this. So when I am on cw with cw type I naturally use the n4py 
program as it is flawless.

The old saying ,"You get what you pay for" has some merit here. It is good 
that the authors of HRD are trying to provide a free software control 
program. However, they have said the Ten-Tec rigs are not a high priorty 
right now, and I think it shows.

The n4py program comes with pre-programmed shortwave station frequencies 
that you can click on to QSY where you want to listen, also the AM broadcast 
band frequencies are programmed into the n4py software and you can just 
click to QSY to what ever station you want to listen to.

The HRD has a long way to go to equal the operating quality of the n4py 
program. Maybe with time they will get there.   Toby W4CAK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric SENSI" <eric.sensi at skynet.be>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 1:04 PM
Subject: RE: [TenTec] N4PY Orion Control Program Version 1.12 Released

> Hi everybody...
> First of all, this is only an INFORMATION, I have nothing to do with the
> company hereunder. This is only an information that might be useful for 
> some
> of us.
> I'm using with great results the HAM RADIO DELUXE v3.0 software to control
> my Tentec Orion. This a great product has it seems to be very useful and
> "bugless" !
> The installation process is clean and professionnal as well, using the
> software is friendly and it works 100% with the Orion !
> The best of all, this software is absolutely FREE for download from the
> author's web site. Simon Brown, HB9DRV is doing a great job for free, it 
> is
> absolutely amazing.
> With all the software we have to use (and buy) for our radio activities, 
> I'm
> pretty sure we could spend all of our money just buying this or that
> software ! Maybe the "FREE" version of an application is not as complete 
> as
> the "NOT SO FREE" version but it's worth to try it !
> Just download the ZIP image file from the HB9DRV website and go for it ! 
> :-)
> http://hrd.ham-radio.ch/
> http://www.ham-radio.ch/kits/CD%20Images/Release/3.0/
> I respect the guys who are doing business with software... but I respect
> also those who provides very nice solutions for free  as well ! ;-)
> All the best,
> Eric, ON6CV.
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