[TenTec] jupiter tx / ft920 rx

Mark Erbaugh mark at microenh.com
Fri Sep 17 19:51:17 EDT 2004

> Not exactly, but it's an interesting idea... Yes: tx Jupe/rx 920 under
> condx. I would presume though, that feeding both receivers at the same
> would result in 3db loss as the signal would be divided in half if both
> input impedances were the same value. This may be acceptable as the 920
> abounds with RF/IF gain -- it's certainly simpler; I'll try it first.
> normal conditions it would be Jupe/tx&rx -- in which case I could just
> disconnect the line going to the 920's external rx input and avoid the
> loss..

Yes, you will have a little loss, but it's been acceptable for lot's of

> If the tx RF sig from the Jupe leaking into the 920 is not overwhelming, I
> could use it to monitor my sending, negating the necessity to mute the
> receiver. The 920 doesn't have a mute input.

I was using a TenTec RX340 as a sub-receiver with my Pegasus. When the
Pegasus would transmit, the RX340 would see a 20 over S9 signal.


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