[TenTec] RE: New firmware for the Orion

Eric SENSI eric.sensi at skynet.be
Sun Sep 26 03:05:11 EDT 2004

Hi Todd and all the fellow readers,

A fellow ON ham (ON4UN)... I know him, he's the president of the UBA
association here in Belgium.


John is my president and it is after his review and personal advices that I
bought the same rig. An Orion with the Heil Goldline GM-4 microphone... I'm
pretty sure that his Orion is working flawlessly because John is not a liar,
if his Orion was full of bugs then I think his review would not have been so
positive !

Please find hereunder an excerpt of an e-mail received from Gary Barbour :

"Eric, I'm not sure that all your observations are software related but
there is a new version in beta-test that will address some of the issues,
like the DV system. To see if this helps your particular situation I am
sending along a beta version of the Orion firmware that is currently being
evaluated. Please try this and let me know how it helps, or doesn't. Please
do not redistribute the attached software.

Gary Barbour AC4DL
Ten-Tec Inc."

Like him, I really think that all the problems I had were coming from a bad
relationship between the soft and the hardware... That's maybe because the
hardware is not working in my radio than the software appears as a big bug !
I don't know if I'm clear but this is it certainly not because I'm doing
some "faults" and again, the problems couldn't be solved in reading the
manual or doing a master reset, so I really think the problem is elsewhere.
But, now, this is another story, the Orion will be on the desktop of my
dearler in germany during the next week and I wish him all the best with his
insecticide bomb ! :-)

Newt week too, I will send a CD-ROM to Tentec with some video clips and
pictures of all the bugs I had with the Orion. I'm pretty sure it will help
them to find what's going wrong. My dealer will discover this CD-ROM inside
the Orion package he'll receive in a few days. Hope this could be helpful
for him.

It is not because I had a bad experience with an Orion that I'll loose my
legendary black humour ! :-)

Cheers, Eric.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]De la part de KD7EFQ at aol.com
Envoye : dimanche 26 septembre 2004 0:11
A : tentec at contesting.com
Objet : [TenTec] RE: New firmware for the Orion

Well, sorry you got frustrated with your Orion, But remember it was just
"YOUR" Orion that seemed to be so "Buggy".  A fellow ON (ON4UN) seems to
nothing but praise for his Orion, as do many others. I'm sure if you had
given it
enough time and were willing to let Ten Tec get it right for you, they would
have done so. Sometimes, everyone's patience gets tested, but sticking with
usually pays off. Good Luck with your JA rig.

73, Todd - KT0DD - kd7efq at aol.com
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