[TenTec] Audio blues

Toby Pennington toby423 at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 13 23:42:43 EDT 2005

Good Post!   But be aware that a Ram Clear will wipe out all memories and
settings, so be sure to write all that down before the Ram Clear.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Williams" <richardw at mho.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Audio blues

> Hi Larry,
> I have had my Orion for quite awhile now and I also had "good audio"
> initially.    However, when listening to my audio with headphones using
> monitor function on the radio, I found it didn't sound that great.  What
> really clued me in to having a problem was when I turned the speech
> processor on; terrible feedback and really bad audio.
> I found a couple of major problems in the wiring of the mic.    To make a
> long story short (I am using the same mic(s) - a Heil HM-10 and Heil
> headset/mic) on both the Orion and a Ten Tec 526 6N2 rig)  make sure you
> have the mic hooked up to pins 1 and 2 on the mic connector and the PTT
> between 3 and chassis ground (connector case).
> I found the problem listening to myself with the headset and turning on
> speech processor; so you might want to try listening to yourself and see
> you sound with and without the processor on.
> You said you did a master reset (which seems to cure problems that turning
> the rig on and off doesn't); but you might also try a RAM-CLEAR reset.
> procedure for doing it is hidden away on the Ten Tec web site, but it is
> activated by turning the radio on with the VFO-B Lock button held in.
> After turning on the radio,  hold the button in until  you get a BATTERY
> FAILURE message.  Release the button and then answer yes to "Clear user
> memories" and "Reset option filters".  When the radio screen appears
> turn the radio off and back on.
> No gurarntees on that fixing it either,  but I would certainly look at how
> your mic is wired, and if your mic is one that has the PTT and mic ground
> tied together,  I would look into a mic like the Heil that has 4 leads
> isolated from the PTT ground return.
> Dick K8ZTT
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