[TenTec] OMNI VI and fast switching amp hook up ?

NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Thu Dec 1 12:11:09 EST 2005

Hi Rog,

I ran a couple of QRO amps for several years with my Omni VI and VI+.

The Omni VI has about a 10ms delay when you hit the first dit, until it
actually applies RF.  But it switches the T/R relay immediately.
The Jennings relays in the QRO's are fast.

Still, like you, I didn't really like running true QSK like that, so I used
an external box I built to adjust the "hold time" of the QRO's relay.  I set
mine such that it would return to RX between words, but not between letters.

I ran both transceivers and both amps (simultaneously) in several M/S and
M/M contest operations and never had a problem.  Since these were
multi-operator events, the rigs were being keyed 48 hours continuously.


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Roger Borowski
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:50 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI VI and fast switching amp hook up ?

Bob, K4TAX wrote;
Yes it is and that is the reason one should use a PTT system to switch to
transmit and not try to run a QSK system with a non-QSK amp.  It's really
hard on relays in the amp.

Bob and All, First off, Seasons Greetings! It's hard to believe it's Dec.1
already....I had a pretty rough summer with two surgeries including a
coronary quadruple bypass plus surgery for an infection in my leg, where
they harvested the veins, neither which were any fun at all. I had lots to
be Thankful for last Thursday though.....

My QRO Technology Amplifier is QSK and switches with a Jennings model RJ1A
Vacuum relay, but I don't know how it prevents the relay being hot switched
by the relay output in the Omni VI, or any other rig for that matter. It has
two means of switching the Amp into the transmit/QSK mode.

1) an RCA jack for switching by a relay, as I have the Omni VI+ connected.
2) a 12VDC input to TX, as I have my TS-950SDX 12VDC on TX aux. output

I switch rigs via a Alpha Delta Coax switch to the Amp RF Input and run QSK
from either rig. I had made a long handle knob for this switch that
activates a microswitch in one position that allows me to switch the
transceiver keyer/paddle inputs simultaneously while switching rigs to the
Amp. I also use the three output cables from my Kenwood MC-85 switchable
mic, with rewiring of the 4 pin cable to suit the Omni, for both HF
transceivers as well as my VHF transceiver. Works well!

Most non TenTec amps, both QSK or non-QSK, have these inputs or just the RCA
jack. Ten-Tec, with their system of TXEN and TXOUT only seems to work with
the TenTec amplifiers designed to accommodate this, therefore letting the
Amplifier switch the RF from the TenTec transceiver, which seems to be the
proper way to do the switching.

When observing Keying patterns from the Amplifier Output with my SM-230
station monitor / bandscope, fed by the amplifier Output, the waveform
appears quite proper. I've also hooked up my old trusty Tektronics 502A true
dual trace scope to both the amp RF input and the Amp RF output and
superimposed one trace over the other and they appear identical. I find this
hard to comprehend as it seems that TenTec is doing the Amp/rig TX switching
design properly, as well as the Ameritron QSK5 external switching box being
the only other system I'm aware of that does this.

I've been running the way for I described for the past 7 years, including
contests, and have accumulated nearly 20K QSO's, although not all with the
Amplifier running or entirely in the CW QSK mode, in that time period
without any problems. I just don't understand why?? unless the RJ1A Jennings
Vacuum relay is one tough piece of art? It seems that I should be seeing
clipping on the leading edge of the CW out of the amp, which I do not.
That's the mystery! I guess if it works as well as it does, I should not be
concerned but I have never understood why! I have acquired a couple spare
RJ1A vacuum relays a few years back, figuring sooner or later I would be
needing to replace the one in my amp, but they remain in my parts inventory,
waiting for that day.

73, -=Rog-K9RB=-

A-1 Operator Club, ARRL Life Member, DXCC #1 Honor Roll (350) Mixed, Phone,
CW (since '92) and presently need 11 more on RTTY for H.R. Need (4) more
zones on 160M. for all (9) HF band "Worked All Zones". At present 160 Meter
DXCC - 208 + 36 zones. Former member No.Ill.DX Assn., 9th area incoming QSL
bureau sorter for many years, Charter Member Metro DX Club, Life member /
former Trustee W9AA Hamfesters ARC., CP-40 in 1963 at 14 years of age,
former ARRL OO, & NCS, active 160M through V.H.F. / U.H.F. for 45 years. 1st
place CQWPX-CW 15M in 1981. 1st place CQWW-CW 40M in both 1980 & 1988.
(Ancient history now!) Also KG4RB /GTMO Bay - Bio and photos available at
www.qrz.com  Good Luck and God Bless!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX" <RMcGraw at Blomand.Net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI VI and fast switching amp hook up ?

Yes it is and that is the reason one should use a PTT system to switch to
transmit and not try to run a QSK system with a non-QSK amp.  It's really
hard on relays in the amp.

Bob, K4TAX

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