[TenTec] S meter readings

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at verizon.net
Wed Dec 28 19:26:57 EST 2005

Hi Jim,

When I started as WN6CFF in June 1970, my Hammarlund Super-Pro BC-779 
had an S meter. It only goes up to 9 and it takes whopping signal to do 
that. Only VOA, Radio Moscow and Radio Nederland ever moved that needle 
much. Most of the people I QSOed with my home brew two tube crystal 
controlled transmitter (1968 ARRL Handbook) and that Super-Pro barely 
moved that S meter. It did not matter. I still worked them. Even so I 
would never, ever put a piece of masking tape over that meter. By the 
way it uses a bayonet socketed pilot lamp in the S meter, and the tuning 
and bandspread dials use screw in (micro Edison base?) pilot lamps. And 
those push-pull 6V6s really could hurt your ears if you weren't careful 
with the gain controls.


> My suggestion is to put a piece of masking tape over the meter face and if you can hear it work it.  How did we ever function before the advent of all the fancy gadgets.

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