[TenTec] New roofing filter in Omni VI- Opt. 1

Guenther, Charles CGuenther at stlcc.edu
Wed Jan 12 11:31:17 EST 2005

W4ZV wrote:

"I NEVER listen with CW pitch higher
than 450 Hz and normally use 270 Hz for really weak signals.  The
ability to set Orion to a pitch below 300 Hz is one of its major
benefits IMHO.  No rig I'm aware of since the TS-930S has allowed
this (with the possible exception of the IC-781 which I've never
used).  My ears must be strange but I would never seriously consider
any rig that forced me to use a 700 Hz pitch (sole exception being
my $205 8 ounce AT Sprint-II QRP rig with pitch fixed at 600 Hz)."

Bill, your ears are not so strange!  (And, from your reputation, yours are
among the best in this hobby!) I also prefer the lower pitches for CW work,
although I haven't ventured as low as you have.  Several weeks ago, after
acquiring my Omni VI, I posted a message on this reflector seeking a Ten Tec
221 filter (9 MHz IF, 250 Hz BW, optimized for a 500 Hz pitch).  I know the
filters are out there, but I got no responses.  This (as well as archived
comments on this reflector) tells me that those who have them don't want to
part with them.  So, there are a lot of people who prefer lower pitch CW.

However, with the setup I described, I routinely listen with pitch as low as
550 Hz with no problem.
Thanks for pointing out this important feature of the Orion. I'll probably
own one someday.  Meanwhile, I'm enjoying my first Ten Tec rig.

Chuck  NI0C

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