[TenTec] Re: From Omni V to Jupiter?

Dudley Hurry jhurry at austin.rr.com
Thu Jan 13 00:12:18 EST 2005


Sounds like you had some RF backing up the TR control and getting into the 
rig.    I have been running an Alpha 87a with my Jupiter for over 2 years 
on all bands with nothing changing in the radio.


On the Jupiter itself, like Peg says it has great receive audio, and if you 
like to use a computer to control your radio, you can have a different 
"feel"  and look for your radio by adding a computer screen.  Many of these 
programs can add additional features that are not available through the 
front face of the radio.   HamStation will give you three different 
settings of the attenuator, N4PY's SW will give you things like selectable 
modes like a SAM (Sync AM) which is great to listen to AM broadcast , SW 
and standard broadcast.   And all the selectable filters and SSB bandwidths 
out to 8khz.    HamRadio Deluxe gives you horizontal sliders to tune your 
frequencies kind of like the old NC300s.    And don't forget the really 
handy remote pad that you can get for the Jupiter.   With N4PY's software, 
you can control up to 15 different functions from the remote pad and a much 
better tuning knob than what's on the original Jupiter, but there are many 
that have purchased the upgrade knobs for the Jupiter to make the front 
face operation much better.     Myself, I don't think that you need the 
tuner.   The RF deck of the Jupiter will deliver full power into a higher 
SWR with no problems where other radios feel the need to fall back.

Maybe you would find the need to keep both, no the Jupiter is not perfect, 
but it doesn't cost $3000 either, and it will keep up with my ProII. and I 
like the audio on the Jupiter much better than the Pro.

Good luck and 73,

At 10:48 PM 1/12/2005 -0600, Paul DeWitte K9OT wrote:
> >From Peg KB9LIE:
>Bill, I had a Jupiter w/built-in tuner. Actually still have it and like it
>for the outstanding receive audio and general coverage receive. However,
>when I added a TT Hercules II amplifier to the setup, it was time for a
>different rig. I chose the Omni V since it matches my style and talents
>pretty well, basically meaning no need for a top-class rig with a variety of
>filter choices.
>The Jupiter uses a "multi" control knob that adjusts both receive audio
>level (volume) and power output. When using the Herc II, I kept adjusting
>the Jupiter's power output when it was supposed to be the volume and vice
>versa. My Herc wants about 45 watts drive, not 100!
>So if you plan on using an amp, the Jupiter may not be the best choice.
>Other than that, I would have kept it as my primary base rig.
>73 de Peg KB9LIE in wet, muddy  SW Wisconsin
>PS: The Omni V was a top-class rig when it first came out, compared to
>others available, or at least I'm told it was....
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