[TenTec] Re:Re: [Ten-Tec Orion] QSK
aldermant at alltel.net
Wed Jan 26 17:37:50 EST 2005
Hi Jim...
Well truthfully there is a lot of folks who agree with your
statement about doing it manually. Especially the German hams that
operate in the HSC. They totally scoff at the ham's in the states
because we use keyboards to send...they use paddles and are darned
good at it up to around 70 wpm. The other side of the coin is the we
use nothing but our ears to COPY high speed CW and that's where the
real fun comes into play. Even though my typing ability on a Dvorak
keyboard is pretty good, some days I just seem to make horrible
typing errors.
But the whole thing about high speed CW is it is just another fun
part of this hobby, something else to do to add to your enjoyment,
if you like CW.
When your learning to copy higher speeds, about 40 wpm is where it
tends to get a little harder. However, there is a definate barrier
around the 55 wpm range. Every one I know of who does high speed
shares that same problem. It is in the 50-60 wpm range that your
literally trying to train your brain to transition from letter and
word copy, into sentenance copy. All of the folks that I run 60 wpm
and higher with understand that being 'in tune' with the flow of the
conversation begins in that range. All of this high speed stuff in
purely conversational CW, send me word groups and I'm sure I'll get
lost around 35-40 wpm. Fortunately we don't speak in word groups!
Tom - W4BQF
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Davis" <nn6ee at yahoo.com>
To: "Ten-Tec List" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:03 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Re:Re: [Ten-Tec Orion] QSK
> Tom-W4BQF,
> I could never go to high-speed CW using a Computer and
> a keyboard because to us if I can't do it manually
> then it's really not worth doing @ all!!! :-)))
> I'm fairly good @ 35wpm (sending & receiving) and @
> 40wpm the copy is usually rather spotty and the
> sending at that speed isn't that great either!!! LOL
> Jim/nn6ee
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