[TenTec] Orion 2 - some thoughts

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed Jul 20 18:09:03 EDT 2005

Why should bringing out a new model alienate existing Orion customers?

You get the best of both worlds, an upgrade of the software at no added cost
to fit YOUR radio, and you do not have to wait for the hardware to be
manufactured or retrofitted.  Download the upgrade and back to operating!

If you chose the original Orion, you must have been satisfied with its
display, mike connector, etc. over the Yaecomwood color displays and 8 pin
mike connector at that time.

The other ham equipment manufacturers have gone for example,  from the Icom
746 to the 753, to 753 Mark II, etc. and do it in shorter cycles than Ten
Tec changes models.   The car manufacturers do this every year.


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