[TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II

Mike Hyder -N4NT- n4nt_m_o_hyder at charter.net
Wed Jul 20 17:28:31 EDT 2005

Yeah, I can't believe they came out with the first Orion without making 
provisions for me to update / upgrade my 544...

Mike N4NT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "john, ke5c" <ke5c at hot.rr.com>
To: "Ten-Tec Reflector" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 3:59 PM
Subject: [TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II

this is a huge departure from the way tentec has conducted business in
the past.  many of us had taken into account the way tentec conducts
business (used to, that is) when we purchased orion I's.  tentec
certainly knows this and took customer loyalty into consideration in
their business decision process, and they projected they would come
out ahead by nevertheless doing the orion II.  they know they will
alienate a number of prior tentec faithful, but that just doesn't
matter anymore in today's business world.  bringing out a version of
firmware that will make my orion I work as advertised (except for the
sweep which will never work) will moderate my disappointment to some
extent, but it won't restore the significant loss of value my orion I
just incurred.  on the other hand, i just did the iaru with a pair of
orions, and i'm doing naqp with a pair of ts850's, and despite what
scott may claim, i don't think i'll do any worse.  i know i'm looking
just as forward to using the 850's as i did to using the orions.  my
only question, if they are so backordered on the orion I, why develop
a replacement for a product apparantly not at the end of it's life
cycle unless they concluded they could never make it work the way they
claimed without significant hardware changes?  i imagine scott will
have an interesting reception at the ctdxcc meeting next week with
many orion I owners in attendance.

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