[TenTec] Ten Tec and Butternut HF6V Problem And Question

Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.Net
Tue Jun 28 11:19:13 EDT 2005

You are using the piece of 75 ohm coax/matching line with the HF6V.  I no 
longer have the HV6V but I seem to recall that it's about 11 ft long.  It's 
required for proper operation.  Also, a good ground system, more than a 
single driven ground or 2, is required for the HF6V to operate.  Radials 
will be necessary.

It is not a Tentec radio problem.  I've used both with great success.

73 Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <OTAKEBI at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:10 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec and Butternut HF6V Problem And Question

>I have a Butternut HF6V ground mounted vertical and on 10 meters and 14
> meters I get low output from both my Corsair II and OMNI V.
> On 10 meters my output on the Corsair II is about 60 watts.
> The antenna shows a flat SWR
> If I place the tuner in line I get an increase of about 15 watts after I
> adjust it for the same SWR.
> I notice that I get low output on my Butternut Butterfly Beam.
> About the same as on the vertical on 10 and 20.
> However, when I switch to my G5RV I get full output from both rigs on 10 
> and
> 20.
> I get about 95 watts out with a flat SWR going through the tuner.
> Anyone on the list had this problem come up with the Butternuts and Ten 
> Tecs?
> I don't see what could be cutting back the power especially on the corsair
> II which does not have foldback protection.
> Thanks,
> Dan/N4VET
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