[TenTec] Where have I been so long? Should I use dedicated computer?My Argo V delight.

Bill Rowlett kc4atu at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 6 09:55:41 EST 2005

Welcome back Larry, great to hear you are doing so well. Look forward to a 
516 to 516 QSO someday.

73,  Bill  kc4atu

>From: "Larry Greenberg N5BEA" <larrylg1 at excite.com>
>Reply-To: larrylg1 at roamer.net,Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment 
><tentec at contesting.com>
>To: tentec at contesting.com
>Subject: [TenTec] Where have I been so long? Should I use dedicated 
>computer?My Argo V delight.
>Date: Sun,  6 Mar 2005 02:29:52 -0500 (EST)
>  This Ham greatly appreciates the reflector.  After much advice and 
>discussion I brought together all the goodies to assemble my low power 
>dream station. An Argo V, with the matching supply.  I have bought right 
>off the line an lightweight 20 meter mono band Hex Beam.  I shopped on line 
>and got a suitable TV rotor and software .. Thanks again to all of you for 
>the advice.   But, about a month before last Thanksgiving I under went some 
>very serious open heart surgery. You know, when they open up the chest and 
>all that. Well I am OK now, and am about ready to get  my beam in the air.  
>It won't be too long.    I have some spare PC's and plenty of room on the 
>hub part of my router. I  wonder if it would be helpful if I dedicated one 
>completely to my ARGO. It is a very tight squeeze and the other PC in my 
>shack/office has 120 GIG hard disk with a lot of empty space. So, if it is 
>not of benefit, I could use the space. It is just that I have not been on 
>the air very much with "moder
>  n" equipment the last few years, so that's why I asking..  Larry 
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